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Dr. Don W. Hill has launched into a new endeavor of fiction writing. The first novel in his recently completed DNR TRILOGY, “Backing the Wrong Primate”, is now in print on demand through Archway Publishing, and is now available through Archway, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles.

It’s strange to me that, after being a hematologist and oncologist for more than 3 decades, somebody has finally asked me why I chose this line of work. Frankly, that’s not the right question that should have been asked of me. If the truth be told, it was this line of work

When asked if there’s a specific genre where one might pigeon-hole the DNR Trilogy, that is truly a difficult question to answer, as the scope of this work of fiction is rather broad. Perhaps by design or maybe rather by accident, this novel transects many genres, including

Over a year ago, I was asked to describe the distillation of my very essence as I passed the thirty-fifth anniversary of my being awarded a medical degree. I responded that I was simply a blue-collar guy who happened to practice medical oncology and hematology. Perhaps, at

No Stupid Deed Goes Unpunished Over the last seven years, I’ve generally practiced my craft as a self-employed travelling medicine show, working at various locations outside of my current home state of Arizona. This is directly a consequence to a serious physical and